General Iridology Coaching Wellness Workshop

Eyes on Wellness General Iridology Workshop and Coaching is a comprehensive wellness education offering natural health professionals a clear and general understanding of iridology, including the three iris types and constitutions, key markings, to understand nutrition, deficiencies, potentials, and coaching. Perfect for those looking to integrate iridology into their daily practice, this workshop equips you with the knowledge and tools to enhance your natural health expertise to another level.”

This course provides a clear structure for the workshop, ensuring that participants gain a solid understanding of iridology in a concise 60-90-minute session. The workshop balances informative content with practical application, making it a valuable addition to any natural health professional’s practice.

Iridology History

  1. What is Iridology?
  2. Understanding the Three Iris Types Lymphatic Biliary Hematogenic
  3. Iridology Markings and Their Significance (chart)
  4. Case Study Example
  5. Health Plans Using Iridology
  6. Client Communication
  7. Q/A’s
  8. Overview Quiz

Booking an iridology workshop can transform your practice, offering new ways to support your clients on their journey to better health.

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